Henan Zhengzhou Mining Machinery Co., Ltd. was Invited to Attend 2014 Annual Conference of China Concrete and Cement Products Industry
Date:2014-12-15 Source:zk corp Views:
On December 14,2014 Annual Conference of China Concrete and Cement Products Industry was heldin Wuhan Eurasia International Conference and Exhibition Center. As aprofessional equipment manufacturer of the domestic ceramic sand industry, ourcompany was invited by the preparatory group of Lightweight Aggregate Branch ofChina Concrete and Cement Products Association, and appointed sales managerTian Feng, and Li Mingwei to attend the conference.
- keynote speech of Xu Yongmo, president of China Concrete and Cement Products Association
In addition to representatives of companies, theconference also invited well-known experts in the building materials industry.Experts attending the conference are Professor Li Shoude of Xi'an Research andDesign Institute of Wall and Roof Materials, Professor Wang Fazhou who is theassistant dean of School of Materials of Wuhan University of Technology,Professor Ding Jiantong of Materials & Structural Engineering Department ofNanjing Hydraulic Research Institute, Professor Li Zhu of Taiyuan University ofTechnology, Dr. He Shunai of Southwest University of Science and Technology, Deputydirector Li Yingquan of Building Materials Industry and Technology SupervisionResearch Center, Director Cao Liqiang of Institute of Building MaterialResearch of China Academy of building Research, and so on.
The conference startedwith the keynote speech of Xu Yongmo, president of China Concrete and CementProducts Association, on macroeconomic situation, industry competition,technological innovation and orientation, business model innovation, etc.
During the conference, experts went on alively discussion on the future development trends of ceramic sand equipment.Aiming at the automatic, large-scale, energy-saving and environmentalprotection development direction and development trends of ceramic sandindustry equipment put forward by these experts, Manager Tian Feng of ourcompany made a detailed introduction by using PPT and other files on ourcompany's historical change, organizational structure, manufacturing capacity,and accomplished ceramic production line project, wining unanimous praise fromthe experts and manufacturers.
- introduction of ceramic sand production line of ZK
After the conference, manycustomers who intend to set up a ceramic sand production line project expresseda willingness to cooperate with our company. Ceramic sand project in HegangCity has already begun preliminary negotiations. Crushers, rotary kiln, coolerand other equipment required for a project in Qingyuan City, Guangdong Provinceare expected in the near future to enter the substantive phase of negotiations.