1. Construction scale:
To build a production line of 1000t/d clinker cement, that is, to produce 1000tons of cement clinker each day, 310,000 tons per year, to produce OPC cement more than 400,000 tons. The output will vary according to product variety any class.
2. Model selection of process:
To adopt the advanced technology in dry 5-stage cyclone preheater ,calciner and rotary kiln ,this is developed and manufactured in China.
3. Design scale:
Use a Ф3.2*50m rotary kiln, the kiln inlet takes 1000 5-stage cyclone preheater and calcine system with clinker production capacity of 1000t/d and clinker heat consumption of 3600kJ/kg.cl.
4. Raw materials requirement :
CaO > 48%
MgO < 3.0%
R2O( K2O+Na2O) < 0.6%
SO3 <1.0%
Cl - UU<UU 0.015%
Free silicon f-SiO2
Flinty < 4.0%
Quartzose < 6.0%
Clay materials:
R2O( K2O+Na2O) < 4.0%
SO3 <2.0%
MgO < 3.0%
Cl - UU<UU 0.015%
Silica modulus (SM) 3.0-4.0
Alumina iron modulus(AM) 1.0-3.0
Siliceous materials:
SiO2 UU>UU 80%
MgO UU<UU3.0%
K2O+Na2O < 2.0%
SO3 <2.0%
In-plant particle size <350mm
Ferruginous materials :
Fe2O3 >40%
CaSO4.2H2O >60%
In-plant particle size <350mm
5. Preheater System
Kiln pre-calcination system is comprised by single series five stage cyclone pre-heater and calciner with capacity of 1000t/d.
6. Calcination in Middle of Kiln Outlet
Raw material will be burned in 3.2x50m ratary kiln after receiving pre-calcination, with heat loss of 820kcal/kg-cl. As high temperature clinker entered into grate cooler from kiln, it will be cooled down suddenly by cooling air from grate plate, temperature of clinker coming out from grate cooler is environmental temperature +65℃. The crushed clinker shall be transported to clinker silo by chain conveyor.
In terms of high temperature waste gas of grate cooler , some of them will be used as secondary air in kiln; another part will be treated as combustion air sent to calciner by tertiary air duct; some of them will be employed as heating source of drying in coal mill; the remaining gas shall be emitted into air after treated by air heat exchange and bag filter in kiln outlet. Dust Collected by air heat exchange and bag filter, it will conveyed to clinker silo by chain conveyor.
7. Clinker Storage and Conveyance
There is a Ф18m silo used for clinker storage, with capacity of 10000t; while it will also set up 2-Ф6m concrete silo nearby clinker silo, which employed for storage of gypsum and additive.