So far calcination equipment development and production processes have been greatly improved. At present, for the calcination of alumina, lime, ceramsite sand and other materials most use vertical kiln and rotary kiln. In recent years, the development of rotary kiln soon, especially the new type dry rotary kiln calcination process achieve,in a certain extent, the rotary kiln market share higher than vertical kiln. The reason for these changes, compared with the vertical kiln and rotary kiln characteristics, we can understand.
Vertical kiln advantages:
1. Equipment prices are low, and the production process is simple.
2. It is easier to obtain raw materials, and industrial waste can also be used as a production material.
3. Production is more stable, and the heat utilization rate is high, the resource occupancy rate is small.

Vertical kiln disadvantages:
It only can be used for small and medium-sized material calcination, compared to the rotary kiln, its production is low.

Rotary kiln advantages:
1. Material calcination efficiency is high, good quality.
2. Generally used for large-scale material calcination, combined with PLC management system can be scientific management, improve production efficiency and reduce production costs, its production is generally able to meet the vast majority of market demand.
3. The development prospect is good, with the new dry process cement rotary kiln calcination process application, in the production efficiency further enhance and the energy consumption is also partially reduced.

Rotary kiln disadvantages:

1. Investment is large, the general rotary kiln and ancillary equipment may be down millions or even tens of millions, and covers an area of large, rotary kiln cylinder body length of several tens of meters of large equipment nearly 100 meters.

2. Energy consumption is large, there is pollution. Although the usage of new technology to reduce part of the energy consumption, but in general its energy consumption is still high, while the production is also prone to pollution.