Brief Introduction of Hazardous Waste Incineration methods
Because the characteristics of short cycle, flexible technical route, low running cost and easy to realize industrial production, the method has been paid great attention by many research institutes and enterprises, and gradually formed the incineration and disposal of hazardous waste treatment, Pyrolysis, wet air oxidation, plasma, microwave treatment and other methods.
Since incineration disposal of hazardous wastes can completely destroy the harmful components of wastes, the weight and volume of wastes are significantly reduced, the treatment time is short, the area is small, and the treatment can be done in situ. The industrial production method is simple and reliable. Method is widely used. At present, in the United States 16 to 20% of the solid waste use incineration, western Europe is about 35 ~ 55%, while in Japan, the proportion has reached 65 ~ 80%, in our country this method is also rapid develop.
Hazardous waste incineration uses controlled incineration to convert organic wastes from hazardous to hazardous waste from solid and liquid to gaseous form in a confined space. After further heating, the organic components in the gas are broken down into small molecules and oxygen Combined with the formation of gas substances, the purification device after the filter into the atmosphere, non-combustible fixed residues are present inside the incinerator. After incineration, the volume of hazardous waste can be reduced by 80 to 90%, most of harmful components are oxidized and decomposed, while the heavy metal components are concentrated in stable ash, and the heat generated by the boiler can be preheated recycle and re-use. Therefore, using incineration method of hazardous waste treatment is a hazardous waste can be achieved reduction, harmless and resource technology.
Hazardous waste incineration method is mainly applicable to: bio-hazardous waste, not suitable for landfill waste, difficult to biodegradable or natural degradation requires a longer period of waste, with volatile and diffusing waste and other types of heavy metals Waste, but for explosive waste generally do not take this method. At present, in the western developed countries, it mainly used for the burning of municipal solid waste, industrial hazardous waste, medical waste and municipal wastewater sludge.