Several common cement dryer and dust collector
Cement dryer refers to dry materials through the heating device. It has a coaxial sleeve series inside and outside, which they become one body by the radial support, between inside and outside the cylinder is spiral vane and indirect spin Yang material board, the tube is also equipped with inner pipe, annular pipe and outer hood or other devices.
Drying equipment used in cement plants generally have rotary dryer, vertical dryer, suspension dryer, fluid dryer, and the most common usage is the rotary dryer. Cement plants need to dry the material including: clay, shale, slag, steel slag, coal and so on. Drying different materials have different characteristics, drying exhaust gas needs to go through high efficiency dust collector up to reach standard before discharge.
1 Cyclone dust collector
Cyclone dust collector can adapt to the changes in the composition of the exhaust gas, especially for dry higher moisture the exhaust gas. In addition, the cyclone dust collector covers small area, low system investment, easy maintenance which be used by most cement plant in the past. However, its efficiency is not high, excessive emissions, cannot meet the current environmental requirements.
2 Electrostatic precipitator
Electrostatic precipitator as an efficient dust collector, widely used in many cement dryer system, but the air humidity is higher, which not only affect the electrostatic precipitator effect, but also on electrostatic precipitator corrosion, finally have an impact on normal function of electrostatic precipitator.
3 Bag filter
In early design of the dust collector system, the long-term usage of bag filter is limited, one hand due to the performance of the old bag filter, which the system must be set up cyclone, so that not only lead air leakage, but also have large energy consumption; the other hand, on account of special nature of the exhaust dryer, past bag filter have many problems in the course of using and cannot be with long-term usage. With the continuous development of bag filter technology, especially the development and application of new filter media and the development of cleaning technology, the bag filter in the cement industry has been more widely used dust.