Cement mill grinding station is the production unit of cement finished product, which is the final product of cement production. In this stage, cement clinker will be added to the appropriate mixing material for grinding, and the finished product will be produced.
1. Storage and handling system of clinker
The clinker on stock yard is transshipped by loader to the feeding bin of clinker, and then the clinker is sending to the 2pcs of φ6×12m circular silos for storage by belt conveyor or bucket elevator. On the roof of silos and feeding bin, there is separately a Single pulse bag dust collectors for the purification of clinker conveying and dust produced in the bin and silos. Under the bottom of silos, there are clinker discharging dives. The discharged clinker is sending to the feeding bin of the cement mill by belt conveyor.
2. Storage and handling system of gypsum and Flyash
The gypsum in the stock yard and fly ash is separately lifted into the φ5×12m circular silo for storage. On the roof of each silo, there is a Single pulse bag dust collectors for the purification of dust produced in the silos. Under the bottom of silos, there are discharging dives. The discharged gypsum or flyash is sending to the feeding bin of the cement mill by belt conveyor.
3. Raw materials batching and fine crushing system
The batching system is located at the feeding part of cement mill. There are silos separately for clinker, admixture and gypsum. Each kinds of material is weighted by DEL type of constant weight feeder based on the proportion ratio. The blended materials are sending into high efficient fine crusher for fine crushing tin to 0-10mm fine sizes (for improving ball mill efficient and capacity). The fine crushed sizes are sending into cement mill by belt conveyor for grinding purpose.
4. Cement grinding system/cement grinding station
The model of cement mill is φ2.2×11m open circuit working system with matched PPC96-5type of air box pulse-jet dust collector. The materials out of cement mill with the fine powder being collected by dust collector by screw conveyor and bucket elevator. The waste gas will be exhausted into air by fan. The dust content concentration coming out from the dust collector is no more than 50mg/Nm3.
5. Cement storage and Handling system
There will have 2pcs of Ф10×15m steel plate cement circular silos. The cement coming from the cement grinding system will be sent into cement silos by screw conveyor and bucket elevator. In consideration of the production flexibility, the cement from cement grinding system can enter into any cement silos. Under the bottom of cement silos, there are pressure relief cones and air charging devices (air is supplied by Roots blower). The cement discharged from the silo will be sent into cement packing system by discharging device under the silos, and air slides and bucket elevator, or will be sent to bulk loading silos. At the bottom and roof of cement silos, there are dust collectors, for the purification of dust produced in the silos.
6. Cement bag packing and transportation
For the two final cement silos (2-Ф10×15m), the cements from silos are sending into 1 set of rotary type bag packing systems (packing capacity: 50-60TPH) by bucket elevators. The packed cement are sending to cement storage house (24×48m).
7. Compressed air station
One set of compressed air station is in need for this project. It includes two 10m3/min screw-type air compressors and Compressed air drying device, it can provide 1MPa compressed air. One screw-type air compressor is for standby use. The compressed air used for all the pulse type bag filters and all the Pneumatic devices. It also provide air source for the final cement silos.
8. Automation of production proces
To ensure the final cement quality, energy-saving and improve the labor efficiency, this cement mill grinding station / cement grinding plant will use PLC control system to realize the centralized operation and monitoring and management and control. The grinding station will set one central control room. The operating station in the central control room will adopt site control station and site touch screen to accomplish the control of all motors in order and process parameter detection, alarm and control.